Sunday, 27 April 2014

An Interview with Pubmistress (and Mayor) Katy

My Dearest Lucy,
I have been much delayed with writing this letter, in part because it was an onerous task I was not looking forward to. I have continued to interview the residents of Dry Bluffs, but I must admit, this was one of the more difficult interviews. Best to get it out of the way early on, I suppose!
You will recall that I spoke to you already about my greatest… affliction in the village (besides my husband, I mean!). Pubmistress Katy has been on the Village Council with me for some years, and last year (or was it the year before?) had the audacity to declare herself Mayor of Dry Bluffs, a title she insists on flaunting, knowing full well that I had my own heart set on such a position! Despite her attempt to aggravate me during our interview, I shall endeavour to relay her answers in as honest a fashion as is possible. I hope you will forgive the grammatical errors, as I was merely attempting to capture the unaltered flavour of Katy.

Anthea: Please introduce yourself, including your name, and your place in the village.
Kate: I be Kate the Mayor of DryBluffs and the owner of the Thirsty Parrot.
Anthea: What sort of childhood did you have?
Kate: Now what a silly question that be.  I was a babe in arms, learned to walk and work to learn me trade.  What other kind of childhood could you me meanin, is there any other kind. no sense complainin. got fed most days, had a dry place to sleep, and me clothes ne'er had too many holes in them, shoes didn't always fit, but ya learned to be quick on your feet to dodge the blows when you did complain. Ah dems were da days.  Had me Da and me Mam, there'd be 8 sisters (myself being the oldest) and a we squalling boy, the last of the litter. 
Anthea: How and when did you come to Dry Bluffs?
Kate: The ship got blown off course and here I be.  Tis a far cry it be as I was headed in the other direction entirely! Afor I boarded that blasted ship, never been more than the next village in me whole life. 
Anthea:  If you had a day in which you could do anything within the village, what would you do?
Kate: I'd be sitting in my pub drinking all the day long, and convincing all else to be there as well.  A grand old time would be had by all! Me customers love my establishment, not accountin for it be the only establishment in the town.

Anthea: What is your favourite memory of something that happened on a Dry Bluffs Festival Day?
Kate: Aye the best was the day they called the villiage council.  The whole kitten kaboodle of dem, got into a huff and left the meeting.  There I be all on me lonesome, left to deal with the public whats come to listen to the council, I called for a motion to make me the mayor of the town, got a second and a majority vote.  It be my pleasure since to be the Mayor of dis fair town.
Anthea:  What accomplishment are you the most proud of? What are you famous for?
Kate: No doubt it would have to be my ale and rum, old family recipies they be.
Anthea: What are your greatest stresses / anxieties?
Kate: To be sure it would be running out of rum and ale.  That be the worst disaster since landing on this god forsaken land. 
Anthea: What do you think about most?
Kate: How to keep making more ale and rum to take the profits from me pub, so to keep it safe from the pirates. 
Anthea: What was the happiest moment in your life?
Kate: The look on Mrs. Sparsgood’s face when she found out I be the Mayor of Dry Bluffs.  The memory of that moment will keep a smile on me face for years to come!

So there you have it, Lucy, a peek into the life of another of Dry Bluff’s residents. For all her faults, I must say that Katy’s pub is indeed one of the finest in the land, and although I am unsure just what she does in her capacity of mayor, the village still stands, and functions as well as any village full of pirates can! 
Be sure to write back with any questions you might have!
I shall write again as soon as I have had the opportunity to conduct more interviews!
Affectionately, Anthea

Saturday, 5 April 2014

An Interview with Mad Mary!

My Dearest Lucy,

I have decided to introduce you to the “regulars” in the village, by conducting a series of interviews so that you might become better acquainted with those you might encounter when you visit Dry Bluffs this summer! I hope to interview as many of the resident pirates and villagers as I can manage to track down!

The first interview I had was with Mad Mary, whose artwork you have previously received. I must say that this was a most challenging interview, as Mary does not seem to think as most do. Nevertheless, I hope that my account of the interaction will tell you all you need to know! I trust you will forgive me for some slight editing of our encounter, which was circular and full of topic changes, punctuated by no fewer than 3 episodes where I had to physically chase after Mary in order to continue!

Anthea:  Mary, can you tell me a little about yourself, how you came to this village?

Mary: I am Mad Mary Teach! Blackbeard is my Daddy! My Mommy is a princess, and my sisters are stupid! I am the best at steering!

Anthea: Mary, is it true that you steered Captain Dampier’s ship into the rocks?

Mary:  Hee Hee!  (There was an extended giggle, followed by a skip around the village until I caught up with her and could continue with the interview)

Anthea: Mary, why did you choose to be a pirate?

Mary: I'm a really good pirate! I've got a hat and boots and I'm the best at steering and I'm not allowed to have a sword because of what happened last time but look there's little skullies on my bodice and they're cute and I love them and their names are Francis, Ronald and Peter and they're shiny and they have sparkly eyes and My Daddy is a pirate!

(At this, Mary spent three minutes trying to look at the skulls on her back, fell down twice, and then decided she needed to go and find her Father, Blackbeard, and I was forced to chase her for some time before she got tired enough for me to ask a few more questions!)

Photo by Sharon McGuire

Anthea: Mary, some people in the village call you Mad Mary – do you have any other nick names?

Mary:  My name's not Nick, it's Mary! I'm Mary. How are you?

Anthea: I’m very well, Mary, Thank you for asking. What is the nicest thing someone has said about you?

Mary: My Daddy said it’s a good thing I’m pretty!

Anthea: That was very diplomatic of him! Mary, what is the strangest thing that has ever happened to you?

Mary: One time I swallowed a fly, and I thought I would die, so I swallowed a spider..

Anthea: Oh dear! Mary, what was your favourite thing that happened to you on a festival day?

Mary: I made a friend! He was a bug!

(Mary decided at this point that she needed to make another friend, and went searching for more bugs. I tried to explain that it was winter, and that bugs were hard to find, but Mary got very close to a tantrum, and so I was forced to help her look for a bug. Thankfully, we found a pretty rock instead, which Mary decided to adopt. )

Anthea: Mary, thank you for talking to me today! Is there anything else you would like to add?

Mary: I love you! (This may have been to her rock, but I chose to think it applied also to me!)

Anthea: Thank you Mary, I love you too! Take good care of your rock!

As you can see, Dearest Lucy, Mary is quite an individual. She is generally harmless, so long as you agree with her. Her Father’s reputation keeps most mischief makers at bay, for Blackbeard will suffer no harm to come to his Daughters, and in fact many of the pirates see Mary as some sort of mascot.

I am looking forward to introducing you to her in August!  

Affectionately, Anthea